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Episode 62

Published on:

8th Nov 2019

Matt Caulfield on Productivity, Goal Setting and Achievement…Good?

Hello, I am Joel Ingram, and this is "Crisis to Crushin' It" Podcast.

Let’s dive into this week’s talk, and help to:

1. Increase perspective.

2. Expand perception. 

3. Allow you to change your reality.

Matt Caulfield has nearly 20 years’ experience in NLP training and Coaching.

Matt offers down to earth, high performance strategies to take your thinking and communication skills to the next level.

He specialises in productivity, problem solving, communication, critical thinking, NLP, mindfulness, high performance coaching.

Matt might not be able to give you all the answers, but he can give you a better quality of question.

Speaking from personal experience I have found his trainings professional and informative. His approach, down to earth, easily relatable and fun, especially when you get him on a passion point.

He helps people and businesses around the world from the Bahamas to Australia, from Belgium to Singapore to think better, work smarter and grow faster.

In an increasingly competitive, fast moving and complicated world the better you think the faster you go – an idea that opens new doors, a technique that solves a problem, or an insight that helps make sense of it all.

To chat with Matt:

I find that the best way to understand how I can help you is to have a relaxed, informal chat, so get in touch now for a no cost, no obligation conversation by calling me on 07711 204 013.





Thank you for listening today,

I hope you enjoyed it!

My name is Joel Ingram,

I am a certified NLP Coach.

I help passionate, resourceful and professional people,

Who feel stuck and unfulfilled with aspects of life,

To rewrite their narrative and chronicle a new engaging and captivating future.



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Show artwork for "Crisis To Crushin' it"

About the Podcast

"Crisis To Crushin' it"
This podcast will help people to understand how the stories we tell ourselves are the chains of the fence that keep us restrained.It is for those who feel lost or have become acutely aware that their time is running out, that their life is not how they
This podcast will help people to understand how the stories we tell ourselves are the chains of the fence that keep us restrained.It is for those who feel lost or have become acutely aware that their time is running out, that their life is not how they had envisaged it. Yet have decided to act and pursue the change they want to see in their lives.With guests sharing their stories, of their trials and tribulations, and their desire to overcome, to achieve what they wanted.How the mediocrity is insidious.How challenge and obstacles are opportunities to live and growIt is the perception of your reality that governs the perspective towards your life.My hope is that this podcast will:1. Increase perspective.2. Expand perception.3. Allow you to change your reality.
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About your hosts

Joel Ingram

Profile picture for Joel Ingram
Joel Ingram, Host and producer of Crisis to crushin it podcast.
He enjoys learning and connecting with other like minded people and is genuinely interested in other people and their journeys.

Hayley Ingram

Profile picture for Hayley Ingram
Hayley Ingram, wife of Joel.
Hayley is head of social media and website customisation and sharing.