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Episode 106

Published on:

13th Oct 2020

How to go from Downtown Funk to Uptown Funk

Hello, I am Joel Ingram and this is Crisis to Crushin’ It Podcast.

Let us dive into this week's talk and help to:

1.   Increase perspective

2.   Expand Perception

3.   Allow you to change your reality.

Hey All,

I’ve been struggling, been in what seemed like an unfathomable funk last few days, culminating in an action.

We can often wait for it to lift, we are so often told this is a negative emotion, I believe there are no negative emotions, they are ALL emotions.

Without the contrast we would have no awareness of when the good times are happening.

Knowing this, life is conspiring for me, to move me forward giving insights as to where to go next.

I’ll let you listen in to hear more, as I keep you updated of this journey I am on.

Thanks for listening today.

What did you find most useful?

Which actionable information will you utilise TODAY? 


Will you keep things as they are? 

If you are inspired to help others, can I ask you to bring 1 listener to the show? This helps to grow the community and find the ears of those who may need the message, to not give up, keep moving forward no matter the speed and KNOW settling is not a choice which leads to fulfilment.

Stay Strong,


To connect with me.



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Show artwork for "Crisis To Crushin' it"

About the Podcast

"Crisis To Crushin' it"
This podcast will help people to understand how the stories we tell ourselves are the chains of the fence that keep us restrained.It is for those who feel lost or have become acutely aware that their time is running out, that their life is not how they
This podcast will help people to understand how the stories we tell ourselves are the chains of the fence that keep us restrained.It is for those who feel lost or have become acutely aware that their time is running out, that their life is not how they had envisaged it. Yet have decided to act and pursue the change they want to see in their lives.With guests sharing their stories, of their trials and tribulations, and their desire to overcome, to achieve what they wanted.How the mediocrity is insidious.How challenge and obstacles are opportunities to live and growIt is the perception of your reality that governs the perspective towards your life.My hope is that this podcast will:1. Increase perspective.2. Expand perception.3. Allow you to change your reality.
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About your hosts

Joel Ingram

Profile picture for Joel Ingram
Joel Ingram, Host and producer of Crisis to crushin it podcast.
He enjoys learning and connecting with other like minded people and is genuinely interested in other people and their journeys.

Hayley Ingram

Profile picture for Hayley Ingram
Hayley Ingram, wife of Joel.
Hayley is head of social media and website customisation and sharing.