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Published on:

20th Jan 2019

Perry Towle Helping Dads Stay Sane and get Ungloo'd

Hello, I am Joel Ingram, and this is "Crisis to Crushin' It" Podcast.

Let’s dive into this week’s talk, and help to:

1. Increase perspective.

2. Expand perception. 

3. Allow you to change your reality.

Today we have Perry Towle, creator, animator, music composer. Who has found that if he is not trying to up level the mind, body, soul a little here and there, then he is more apt to feel stuck or anxious or stressed.

So, the tools and the animations are an effort to unglue, hence the name.

He loves making things move on screen (animated videos). Which started early when in high school. Videotape things, when NO ONE owned a video recorder, and mixing it with the music he composed (rad 1980’s synthesizers). Adobe Creative Suite and Logic Pro X are the tools he uses to extract the inner creative energy out into the external world.

He loves playing sports with his family (wife and two daughters 10 & 14). (He only likes long walks on a beach if they’re taking one.) Mountain biking at least one weekend morning is non-negotiable.

He is motivated to bring inspiration and resources to modern day fathers so they can feel healthy, strong, and confident and in turn find more ways to be completely present with their children.

Perry, Welcome to the show!

Please reach out to connect, below.


Thank you for listening today,

I hope you enjoyed it!

My name is Joel Ingram,

I am a certified NLP Coach.

I help passionate, resourceful and professional people,

Who feel stuck and unfulfilled with aspects of life.

To rewrite their narrative and chronicle a new engaging and captivating future.

Please subscribe, if you found benefit.

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Show artwork for "Crisis To Crushin' it"

About the Podcast

"Crisis To Crushin' it"
This podcast will help people to understand how the stories we tell ourselves are the chains of the fence that keep us restrained.It is for those who feel lost or have become acutely aware that their time is running out, that their life is not how they
This podcast will help people to understand how the stories we tell ourselves are the chains of the fence that keep us restrained.It is for those who feel lost or have become acutely aware that their time is running out, that their life is not how they had envisaged it. Yet have decided to act and pursue the change they want to see in their lives.With guests sharing their stories, of their trials and tribulations, and their desire to overcome, to achieve what they wanted.How the mediocrity is insidious.How challenge and obstacles are opportunities to live and growIt is the perception of your reality that governs the perspective towards your life.My hope is that this podcast will:1. Increase perspective.2. Expand perception.3. Allow you to change your reality.
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About your hosts

Joel Ingram

Profile picture for Joel Ingram
Joel Ingram, Host and producer of Crisis to crushin it podcast.
He enjoys learning and connecting with other like minded people and is genuinely interested in other people and their journeys.

Hayley Ingram

Profile picture for Hayley Ingram
Hayley Ingram, wife of Joel.
Hayley is head of social media and website customisation and sharing.