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Episode 78

Published on:

28th Feb 2020

Be Careful What You Wish For

Hey Team Ingram,

Wow, this week has flown.

We have been moved to a hotel in Cardiff while the drying process and sanitisation is carried out.

Oddly enough my wife and I. had a deep conversation around the life we were in the process of creating, to such a n extent we didn't quite know if what we THINK we wanted was feasible or what we actually wanted. Fast forward about a month and here we are, living in an hotel, eating out every night, its a beautiful hotel and staff are amazing, its mad what you miss though, the basics like somewhere to dry you kit/swim kit.

Then there's finding some where to eat, I'm craving vegetables, most of the restaurants we have past, are not serving what i may eat at home, lets call it homestyle healthy, most meals are indulgent, and calorie ridden. Bonus is the floor we are on has a gym and pool :-)

I've been eating a healthy breakfast though, tomorrow I'm looking for a Buddha Bowl somewhere. We also were curious about renting a house a s an option, would it work for us?

Oddly enough we will find out in the next few weeks, as we start the second phase of this journey that is leading us somewhere exciting.

Hope to get guests back on when the computer is sorted and our accommodation is more settled.

Speak soon,


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About the Podcast

"Crisis To Crushin' it"
This podcast will help people to understand how the stories we tell ourselves are the chains of the fence that keep us restrained.It is for those who feel lost or have become acutely aware that their time is running out, that their life is not how they
This podcast will help people to understand how the stories we tell ourselves are the chains of the fence that keep us restrained.It is for those who feel lost or have become acutely aware that their time is running out, that their life is not how they had envisaged it. Yet have decided to act and pursue the change they want to see in their lives.With guests sharing their stories, of their trials and tribulations, and their desire to overcome, to achieve what they wanted.How the mediocrity is insidious.How challenge and obstacles are opportunities to live and growIt is the perception of your reality that governs the perspective towards your life.My hope is that this podcast will:1. Increase perspective.2. Expand perception.3. Allow you to change your reality.
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About your hosts

Joel Ingram

Profile picture for Joel Ingram
Joel Ingram, Host and producer of Crisis to crushin it podcast.
He enjoys learning and connecting with other like minded people and is genuinely interested in other people and their journeys.

Hayley Ingram

Profile picture for Hayley Ingram
Hayley Ingram, wife of Joel.
Hayley is head of social media and website customisation and sharing.